Tandis Parviziさん 研修レポート

平成26年12月1日から2週間、オーストリアのウィーンからの医学部学生Tandis Parviziさんが眼科を研修しました。彼女は最初、神経内科志望で、不器用なため細かい作業が苦手であると言っておりましたが、眼科手術シミュレータの手術練習では、あっという間に手技の向上が見られ、予想外の自分の才能に気づく機会となり、眼科も主要な候補にしたいと考え方が変わりました。ウィーンでの残りの実習では、急遽眼科の2か月のローテーションを組みたい、と言うほどでした。眼科の面白さに気づく一助となれたのは、非常に喜ばしいことです。

(浅見 哲)

This December, I had the pleasure of spending two weeks of my internship at the Department of Ophtalmology of the Nagoya University Hospital.
Since this was the first time for me to work in this field, I didn’t know what to expect. Therefore I was just positively suprised and really enjoyed my rotation at this department.
All the doctors were very friendly and helpful and made me feel welcome.
During surgery they tried to explain me every step and once they even gave me the chance to assist during a cataract surgery. Thanks to my well-structured schedule, I could see all different aspects of this field and gained a lot of knowledge by visiting the outpatient clinic and the operation room. In my free time I had the opportunity to train doing suture under the microscope. Furthermore, I was allowed to practise slit lamp examination and fundoscopy. My personal highlight was definitely the VR magic simulator. Under supervision, I had the unique chance of improving my practical skills in cataract surgery and vitrectomy. I was impressed by the precision of the machine, it felt like operating on a real patient. After seeing my interest in these surgeries, the doctors invited me to try cataract surgery on a pig’s eye, which was informative and fascinating.

All in all, I’m really grateful that I had the chance of spending two weeks of my rotation in this department. Not only that I had the opportunity to extend my theoretical knowledge about ophtalmological diseases, but also to actively practise in order to improve my surgical skills. I can just strongly recommend an internship at this department for anyone who is interested in learning more about Ophtalmology.

Tandis Parvizi



寺崎教授との記念撮影。右から伊藤准教授、寺崎教授、Tandis Parviziさん、長屋先生、浅見


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